

PowerPac™ is a pure culture, polymicrobial inoculant containing PGPR - Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria - that optimizes nutrient utilization, promotes root growth, and improves plant vigor. It is a dry soluble that can be tank-mixed with pesticides and nutrient solutions.

Key Benefits

  • Improved nutrient use efficiency - solubilization, uptake, and utilization of applied fertilizer and nutrients in the soil bank.

  • Enhanced root growth and plant vigor via production of growth-promoting metabolites.

  • Improved organic matter management.

  • Ease of application - no special storage conditions and flexibility with application.

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How PowerPac™ Works:

  1. PowerPac applied with fertilizer to turfgrass or ornamental plants.

  2. The active ingredients in PowerPac - Bacillus sp. - produce enzymes and organic acids that improve the solubilization of fertilizer into plant-available forms, and release bound nutrients.

  3. The Bacillus sp. in PowerPac also produces growth metabolites that promote a more robust root system, improving nutrient and water uptake which optimizes plant growth.

Product Profile

Mode of Action

  • Nutrient solubilization and cycling improving nutrient availability - macronutrients and micronutrients.

  • Root growth promotion - improved production of root hairs and root tips for increased water and nutrient uptake.


Tank-mix compatible with nutrient solutions and pesticides. Contact us for a complete list of compatible products.

Application rates:

Greens: 16 oz per acre bi-weekly, or 8 oz per acre weekly.

Fairways: 4 oz per acre monthly.

Lawn: 4 - 8 oz per acre every 4 to 8 weeks.

Sports Turf: 8 oz per acre monthly.

Flowers & Bedding Plants: 8 oz per 50 gals. water, apply 2 - 3 gals. finished product per 1000 sq. ft.

Transplants: 8 oz in 50 gals. water, apply as a drench.


Root Honey PLUS


Turf Dietitian